This week my debut novel "Secrets of the Penthouse Suite" a romantic suspense novel hit amazon's digital shelves, albeit only on paperback (still not sure why). Its impact was not like that of a tsunami, or even a coastal storm, but more like a light drizzle on a sunny day. I must say becoming an indie author is not for the faint of heart, there were no throngs of fans waiting anxiously in front of their laptops or cell phones fingers poised on the "buy" button. But alas there were after many delays, glitches and goodness knows what else, the people who waited and waited patiently, and best of all, believed in me and my story. So, to you I say thank you, I hope you have fun, laugh, and maybe even cry as you read what after several years of writing, then editing, and editing, and editing, I have the pleasure to offer to you my cheerleaders, my first novel, you made it all worth my while.
